Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rimini and Relaxing

Okay, so, as you may be able to tell from the fact that I did not write in this for over a month and from the length of my previous posts, I was seriously on the go from around the time of my spring break until just over a week ago. I've finally had the time to relax a little bit, which has been really nice, although it's also crazy to sit back and think about how much time has passed. I've been uploading my pictures to a picture website in order to save space on my computer, and it's so crazy to me that the month of February began when I was in Assisi, saw my trips to Venice and Paris as well as my family's visit, and ended in Milan. March began in Mantua, brought me to Sicily, London and Ireland, and ended just in time for April when Jacob visited me and then I went to Prague, the Amalfi Coast and in the next two weekends that I am about to write about, went on a bike tour and to a beach town. My life has been so adventurous this semester and I am so thankful for all that I've been able to experience.

The weekend after Easter, I went on a bike tour in Chianti with three of my friends from my program. Along the way, we got to tour a winery and taste some wines, and also eat a delicious lunch and gelato. Now, I am no Lance Armstrong, but I was fairly confident about my biking skills, and I would have to say I overestimated myself. I was SO sore by the end of the 12 mile ride, but it was worth it because I saw some of the most beautiful scenery ever! The best part (and also most terrifying) was this HUGE hill that we coasted down in the middle of the ride... all around me there was just beautiful Tuscan countryside and it was completely silent because all I could hear was wind in my ears. There were some scary moments when cars passed literally right next to me, because we were biking on actual roads, but I made it through unscathed and it was a great way to spend a Saturday.

The next week, after quite a bit of school work (comparatively... the workload here is manageable to say the least), I went with five friends to Rimini, a beach town on the Adriatic Sea. Unfortunately, it was still a little bit cold for beach-going, but it was a cool place to see nonetheless. It was very cute and walkable and our hostel was also very interesting... it had its own bar! We mostly spent the weekend walking around on the beach/in the town and relaxing... there was definitely more than one nap involved, but we did have one fun night out on the town and then a really amazing dinner the next night (my favorite part, aside from the fact that we got free cookies, was this really great frozen lemonade thing that has been cropping up all over Italy since the weather has gotten warmer).

It's been awhile since Rimini (and since I started this post), and tomorrow I'll update on my last two weekends IN ITALY. After that, I'll be in exams and then off to travel, so I may not write again until I'm on my way home or even at Camp Hardtner. Absolutely insane! My thoughts about leaving will be covered more in my next post. Ciao Ciao!

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